Friday, September 26, 2014

Distressed Blue Dresser

Thank you for all your suggestions about my yard sale dresser.

Blue Distressed Dresser

 I decided that, at least for now, I'm not going to paint it. I really don't have time right now for painting.  I went back and forth a little. Then one of my google+ readers said "If you like the color I would not change it".  And I'm really starting to LOVE the color.

Blue Distressed Dresser

 Notice the new knobs? Thank you all for the tip about getting the knobs at Hobby Lobby. I was able to get them at 50% off. And I think they fit the dresser perfectly! I topped the dresser with some faux books and my upholstery tack candles. See my tutorial to make your own.

Blue Distressed Dresser
The dresser is now sitting in my living room. I haven't had many people over since I've put it there, but everyone so far has commented that they like it. So thank you all for giving me the courage to put it in my living room.

Blue Distressed Dresser - Fabric Lined Drawers
I wanted to line the drawers with some cute fabric. There's something about using someone else's drawers and not knowing what's been in there  - even though I've cleaned it and even sanded down all the drawers. I found this yellow chevron print at Joann's. I lined all the drawers and made a little runner for the top too.

A little secret - I have resisted chevron for the longest time. Can you believe that at first I didn't like it? What kind of blogger am I that doesn't gush about chevron? But it's finally grown on me. And I'm loving this yellow and white with the dresser.

Before and After Blue Distressed Dresser
 Just a quick before and after. The drawers are now full of supplies for my menu boards.

Thanks again for all of your input and suggestions! I have the best readers!

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