Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Bookshelf

Last week I showed you the bookshelf I built.  This is the reason we needed it.
Here's the before of one of the bookshelves that's in my living room. I told you we had tons of books.  The basket in front is all the library books and that diaper box is full of board books. 

I went through all through all the books and reorganized everything.  
Here's what it looks like now. 

The whole bottom shelf will be for the library books. That small tin box on the bottom corals the bookmarks and the wood planter box holds some board books.  Much better!  Having four kids, I am under no illusions that it will stay this way for long;)

Here is the new bookshelf.

It fits perfectly between the two beds. Do you see that "pray" block on top? My son painted it himself.  It actually turned out kinda cute.

1 comment :

  1. The new shelf look so nice! You're right, your son did an excellent job with his prayer block, the colors are so fun. :)
