Monday, August 6, 2012

Terrific Tuesdays #27

First up, the winner from last week's giveaway was Debbie from Dewdrop Gardens. Congratulations!

Thank you for taking the time you take each week to link up. 
The most viewed link:

Sundried Tomato Croissant Rolls by While Wearing Heels.

Some of my other favorites this week:
{they all happen to be food - I think I was hungry when I looked through the links;}

Buttered Italian Shrimp by Miss Information. This is a must try for me. I absolutely love shrimp and this looks sooo good!

Creamy Orange Dream Pie by Busy Mom's Helper 
This looks super yummy too!

You all know I love my sweets so of course I had to feature more than one.
Cheesecake Ice Cream by Say Not Sweet Anne.
 She made this without an ice cream machine!

Now let's see all the terrific things you've been up to.
Here are my guidelines:
1. Link up any projects, crafts, or recipes you have blogged about recently. You can definitely link up several projects. No shops or link parties please.
2. Comment, comment, comment.  My vision for this link party is not to link and go. Please comment on two other links.
3. I'd love for you to follow my blog.{This is not required, but I’d love for you to take a minute and check it out.} Also if you're so inclined, you can follow me on facebook and pinterest as well.

4. Display my button somewhere on your blog - in the post, the sidebar, or on a party page.


  1. Thank you so much for the feature, though I feel a bit like I am cheating since it was my husband's recipe :)...but of course, I'll happily accept on his behalf.

  2. Thanks a bunch for the feature - it made my day! :D Looking forward to all of the fun links on here this week. Have a splendid day!

  3. Thank you Rachel for another party
    Have a wonderful week!

  4. Thanks for hosting the linkup - Hope your week is going great!

  5. Thanks Rachel I appreciate the feature and I hope you will come link up at my blog on Friday!

  6. Thanks for hosting the party! I see several great ideas and some yummy recipes posted already. I can't wait to check them out.

  7. Thanks for the party! I've been away fro a long glad to be back1

    Amy Allender

  8. Thank you so much for the feature! <3

  9. Thank you so much Rachel!! I did not expect to win, living in Canada, so what a wonderful surprise when I received your email while on holiday!
    I've posted on my blog about it.
    Thank you!!
    Debbie :)
