Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How to Make a Car Seat Cover

How to make a Carseat Cover (31)

My sister-in-law asked me to make her a car seat cover for her new baby. I had made one when my 5 year old was born and loved it. 

I loved picking out the fabric. I am IN LOVE with the grey print. 

Want to make your own car seat cover? Here's How:

Materials Needed: 
1 yard each of three coordinating fabrics.
sewing machine
basic sewing supplies {scissors, pins, etc}

Cut List: 
{I will refer to the colors I used, but of course, yours will probably be different.}

Back{polka dot}: 32 1/2" x 38"

Front Pieces:

Grey: 2 pieces - 4 1/2" X 32 1/2"
1 piece - 12 1/2" X 32 1/2"

Polka Dot: 2 pieces - 2 1/2" X 32 1/2"
Pink: 2 pieces - 4 1/2" X 32 1/2"
2 pieces - 3 1/2" X 32 1/2"

small pieces to attach cover to carseat: 
Pink: 4 1/2 X 9 1/2 {this could be any color}

Velcro: 2 pieces - 2"

Start by washing and ironing your fabric. {I'm just noticing how wrinkled the fabric is. I promise I ironed it. I then proceeded to fold it up until the next day.}
Then cut your fabric.

With right sides together sew each panel to the next. I used 1/4 inch seam allowance on all seams.
This is the order I went in.
3 1/2  pink
4 1/2 grey
2 1/2 polka dot
 4 1/2 pink
12 1/2 grey
4 1/2 pink
2 1/2 polka dot
4 1/2 grey
3 1/2 pink

Then I sewed on a yellow ribbon onto the small grey pieces. I stitched close to both edges of the ribbon. Then trim up your edges if they're a little uneven like mine.

Press down all your seams.

Place your back and front right sides together. I wanted the corners to be rounded so I took an embroidery hoop and traced, then cut.

Now sew your front and back together leaving a small opening for turning.

Clip the corners.

Turn right side out and press the edges and opening flat.

Top stitch all the way around. It's hard to see, but just sew around the entire thing very close to the edge.

Next, stitch along the seams
This is important because if you don't, the back will fall onto the baby. {I know, it happened to me}

Now it's time to  make the strips to attach the cover to the car seat.

Fold each piece in half lengthwise and sew.

Turn right side out, fold the ends in  and press.

Top stitch all the way around.

Sew on your velcro pieces. Make sure you do one on the front and one on the back.
Repeat with other piece.
Now it's time to attach the strips to the cover. I attached it with a safety pin first and put it on the car seat. After a few adjustments, I ended up sewing each piece 11 inches from the side and centered in the grey fabric.  Just sew a small box in the center of the strip where the dotted box is.  I know there are some car seats out there with crazy shaped handles. So be sure to use the safety pin trick to find correct placement. {Unless you like to unpick}

That's it, you're done!  Sit back and enjoy your handiwork!
 I {almost} wish it was for me.

How to make a Carseat Cover (1)

Come back on Friday to see what I made with the extra material.
Are you loving these fabrics as much as me?


  1. Very pretty cover, this is a must try DIY!

  2. Oh my goodness I am totally bookmarking this! it is so cute/pretty and your tutorial seems so easy to follow! thank you!

  3. My sister-in-law is expecting her first baby and wants one of these. I am not much of a sewer,
    but you made this look like even I can do it! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Super cute...great tutorial!! Thanks for linking up to Tasty Thursdays at The Mandatory Mooch. Hope you will link up again this week. The party will be live tonight.

    Thanks, Nichi

  5. This is one of my favorite must-have's! I’m so glad you linked this up at One Creative Weekend! I love it!

  6. Love this and what a great tip on using the hoop for the curved corners. Thanks so much for sharing on Tout It Tuesday. Hope to see you tomorrow.
