Thursday, October 18, 2012

Disneyland Autograph Books

Some of my long time followers might remember that almost a year ago, we went to Disneyland. Well, I made my kids some little autograph books. And last month I finally printed out our pictures from that trip and finished the books. My kids love them.

I know that you can buy autograph books there, but these were so much more economical and personal too.  These were the perfect size to take. I think they're about 4x4.

 I started out with these little books that I had gotten for insanely cheap. I think it was a quarter a piece.

 The only problem was what was printed on the inside.

Each book was ten things I love about my......
wife, son, daughter, or husband. Great idea, but I had another one.

I scavenged through my scrapbook paper and found coordinating colors. Then I just covered up those words.

While we were at Disneyland the kids each had their own book to have all their favorite characters sign. My littlest two were the most into this, but after the first day, the older kids got into it as well.

Most of the signatures had a blank page next to it, so I could add a picture of them. Some of them didn't, so I just added the pictures at the end.

 Ariel was my favorite. She was so cute with the girls.

Ahhh, great memories. Our family had a blast and we want to go again in a few years.{I guess we better start saving}

If you're planning a road trip, check out my travel activities.


  1. Adorable idea! A great way to remember going to Disneyland.

  2. I love this! What an amazing thing to have to remember. I *hope* to take my kids to Disney next year. I will have to remember this. I co-host a weekly link up party. I would love for you to join, if you have time. Have a great week.

  3. These are so great! Pinning to my Disney board :) Thank you so much for sharing your creativity at Mom On Timeout. Hope to see you back tonight!
