Thursday, May 29, 2014

3 Steps to an Organized Pantry

I don't think that organizing the pantry should cost money. I look at all the pretty pictures from pinterest and it's tempting to want to go out and buy coordinating jars and baskets. However pretty that may be, you can still have a well organized and functional pantry in three steps without spending a bunch of money.

3 Steps to an Organized Pantry
Since I recently reorganized my pantry I thought I'd share my three steps to get an organized pantry. I try to go through it real quick once a month when I take my major grocery shopping trip, so it wasn't too horrible. But it had been a long time since I'd done a thorough job and a lot of items that don't really belong in the pantry have ended up there.

I used the following three steps for each shelf. It's a bit time consuming and so I did a few shelves one day, and the rest the next.

3 Steps to an Organized Pantry

Step 1 - Remove everything from the shelf.

Take a look at the expiration dates and throw out anything that is expired. If it doesn't belong in the pantry, place it in a pile to be put away. I worked on half a shelf at a time, since the shelves are so large. I found a lot of extra room by just removing the items that don't belong in the pantry. I was pretty pleased with how few things had expired.

Step 2 - Wash the shelf. 

I grabbed a bucket of soapy water a rag and quickly washed down the shelf, then dried it.

Step 3 - Place everything back on the shelf with like items together. 

I keep all the canned goods on one shelf, the boxed items on another. Noodles are at one end {beyond the camera's viewpoint}, and baking items such as salt, baking powder, cocoa, vanilla etc. are all placed together. Small items can be corralled in containers. Ice cream buckets are great to reuse in the pantry. For other cheap containers check out your local dollar store or keep you eye open for them at yard sales.

3 Steps to an Organized Pantry

 I've pretty much found the way I like things to be organized. But when you've removed everything and are putting it back, you can sometimes see a better way to utilize your space. For example, the whole floor of my pantry has 5 gallon buckets full of flour, wheat, rice, etc. There's also my wheat grinder and food dehydrator. Once everything was out and I'd cleaned the floor, I started putting things back in. I found a much better way to put everything back.

 Bonus Step - if desired label your containers. 

This can be as simple as marking your containers with a sharpie. Which I've done with a lot of them. But I was in the mood for something a little cuter. So I got out the vinyl and cut out some labels. I used the Champagne and Limousines Font. You can download it for free.

I have all different shapes and sizes of containers that I've collected over the years.  The coordinating labels help bring them together.  I also have some containers that I opted not to label, either because I forgot about them when I was making the labels, or because the container is not for a particular item, but is used as needed. Like when I get goldfish for a snack one time, but the next time I get pretzels.

3 Steps to an Organized Pantry

Is your pantry in need of some organization?


  1. You make it look so easy!! It is nice to be able to find everything. Blessings, Catherine

  2. Oh yes, my pantry is in serious need of some organisation! I think I just need to bite the bullet and spend an hour or two giving it a good clean & tidy like you suggest, I bet it feels good to see it so lovely every time you go to get something now.

  3. Actually it is on my to do list for next month. I have a rather deep pantry, so I always forget to see what's in the back and it's really easy to mess it up! I like the labeling idea for bringing all the different containers together.

  4. Your post couldn't come at a better time! My pantry is in desperate need of organization. Thank you :0

  5. looks great. Thanks for linking up at Tell Me About It Tuesday. We hope you hop over and share with us again next week.

  6. I want to thank you very much for linking up @ Teach Me Tuesday @ 3GLOL. I sure hope you'll stop back by this week -
