Monday, September 23, 2019

How to Make a Scrunchie

 Scrunchies are the perfect sewing project for beginners. The supplies are few and the technique is simple. Don't waste any more money on expensive boutique scrunchies. Make your own with this quick and easy tutorial.

This summer has been filled with sewing scrunchies. I taught my two younger daughters (ages 9 and 11) how to make scrunchies. They have really taken to it, and will NOT stop making them.

how to make a DIY scrunchie

Every few days, they ask if they can make some more. By now, I think they have made a scrunchie with every scrap of fabric I have that is long enough.

The thing is, I really don't mind. The cost is minimal and it gives them something to do besides staring at a screen.

How to Make a Scrunchie

This project is part of the Little Gifts Sew Along. A bunch of amazing bloggers have have created gifts made from 1-4 fat quarters. 

So get started on your handmade Christmas gifts early this year with these great ideas. Head over to Underground Crafter to see what the others have made. Check back every other week for more ideas.

DIY Scrunchies

Both my girls have made some as gifts for friends. If you have teens or tweens, you know how cool scrunchies have become again.

And they're not only for hair. A lot of the time they are worn as a bracelet.

Update: We tried adding bows to them and they turned out so stinkin' cute! Find out how we made the bow scrunchies and super easy bow scrunchies.

What if you don't know how to sew? No problem, this project is perfect for beginners. But if you want, you can try our no-sew scrunchies.

Don't have a stash of fabric? No problem, make them using old t-shirts.

Need a way to store all your scrunchies? Try this DIY scrunchie holder. It's an EASY project.

how to make a scrunchie

See this picture below? I told you they've been raiding my fabric stash!

DIY hair scrunchies

This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my full disclosure policy for details. 

Supplies Needed for DIY Scrunchies

supplies for scrunchies

Steps to Sew a Scrunchie

OK, let's get to it! If you learn better by watching, scroll to the very end and watch the how-to video.
how to make a scrunchie step by step

Fold over one of the short edges about 1/4 inch. Sew down the center.

sew over edge of fabric

Fold the fabric in half lengthwise  with right sides together. With a 1/4 inch seam allowance, sew along edge to create a tube.

fabric tube for scrunchie

Turn the tube right side out.

fabric tube for scrunchie

Add a safety pin to one end of the elastic.  Thread the elastic through the tube using the pin to guide it through.

Tip:  I like to place another pin on the other end of the elastic and secure it to one end of the tube. That way, when you pull the elastic through, you don't accidentally pull it all the way through. 

elastic for scrunchie

Remove the pins, you should have elastic coming out of both ends of the scrunchie. Be careful to not lose hold of the ends.

threading elastic through scrunchie

Hold the elastic so they overlap each other, and sew with a zig-zag stitch back and forth several times.

zig-zag stitch on elastic

Insert the unfinished edge of the scrunchie inside the finished edge.

finishing scrunchie

Sew a straight stitch along the existing seam, catching both ends of the tube in the seam.

Now go make a few more, or if you're like my girls, 27 more.

DIY Scrunchies

More DIY Hair Accessories

More EASY Sewing Crafts

DIY Scrunchie Video

See my video on YouTube:  DIY Scrunchie Video

Scrunchies are SO easy to make!

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