Monday, September 17, 2012

Terrific Tuesdays #33

I spent one day this weekend scrapbooking. Boy, do I have some catching up to do in that area. I got almost a full year done for my oldest daughter. Now I'm only 3 years behind on her book. The other kids each have 4 years to catch up on except the little one who is not quite 3 yet. 
I went the super easy route. Just grab a cute paper from the stack and slap the pictures on it. It's very simple, but I'm going to get it done. The biggest reason {besides having four kids} I got so far behind was because I kept thinking I should make them super cute with tons of embellishments. And I never had time {or money} for that. My kids love looking through the early years of their life, and they could care less what the page looks like, they just look at the pictures.

Enough about me...On to the party!

The most viewed link:

DIY Hot Air Balloons by The Consigner Designer
These are just gorgeous!

Some of my favorites this week:
Girl Boot Socks by Being Mom{me}Adorable! Go see how she made them.

Triple Chocolate Cupcakes by Pink Recipe Box
These look super yummy! I Love chocolate so these have to be good.

Flea Market Special by Shabby Gals
I'm lovin' the green accents. This is such a cute little table.

If you were featured grab a button!
Also check out my facebook page, I post additional features there from time to time.

Now let's see all the terrific things you've been up to.
Here are my guidelines:
1. Link up any projects, crafts, or recipes you have blogged about recently. You can definitely link up several projects. No shops or link parties please.
2. Comment, comment, comment.  My vision for this link party is not to link and go. Please comment on two other links.
3. I'd love for you to follow my blog.{This is not required, but I’d love for you to take a minute and check it out.} Also if you're so inclined, you can follow me on facebook and pinterest as well.

4. Display my button somewhere on your blog - in the post, the sidebar, or on a party page.


  1. Thank you so much for hosting! Have a great week!

  2. Thanks for hosting another great party! I am impressed by how much scrapbooking you got accomplished in one weekend even if you went the easy route. I'm a good four years behind on our family albums.

  3. Thank you for hosting!!! I'm adding a page this month of link-ups at my site & will include yours...
    Have a great week,


  4. Thanks for hosting! I'm worse than you on the scrapbooking, I'm probably 6 years or more behind on everyone, the only thing I can say in my defense is I do have a bunch of pages completely done, just have to fill in the rest of the years between big events and get them in books! maybe I'll get back to being motivated one of these days. Your so right, kids love to look though the baby pictures!

  5. Hi Rachel,
    Great features! Thanks for hosting again such fun party.
    Have a great week!
    Hugs from Portugal
    Ana Love Craft

  6. Thanks so much for featuring my chocolate cupcakes! :)

  7. Thank you so much for hosting another great party! :)

  8. Thanks for hosting a great party, always lots of ideas and recipes that I want to make. Today I bring Fast and Frugal Pita Chips. I am following your blog by email. Have a wonderful week.

  9. Thank you so much for featuring my DIY Hot Air Balloons. I really appreciate it!
