Saturday, December 15, 2012

Something to Think About - The True Holiday Spirit

Last year after Christmas I remember feeling like I had missed it. It's so easy to get caught up in the business of the Christmas season and forget to stop and enjoy it. I am determined to not let that happen again this year. I read the following quote a few weeks ago and it has really stuck with me.

"This is a glorious time of the year, simple in origin, deep in meaning, beautiful in tradition and custom, rich in memories, and charitable in spirit. It has an attraction to which our hearts are readily drawn. This joyful season brings to each of us a measure of happiness that corresponds to the degree in which we have turned our mind, feelings, and actions to the spirit of Christmas." -Pres. Thomas S. Monson (Italics added)

I love that! The happiness and joy we feel is based upon how much we put into it. So what can we do to really feel the spirit of Christmas? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

 I've thought about this and decided that I needed to make a sacrifice of some kind in order for Christmas to be more meaningful to me.

First of all, I'm taking a small break from blogging to enjoy Christmas more with my family. It will be my gift to them. I really do enjoy sharing my ideas with you. BUT, it's more important to be fully focused on my family at this time of year and sharing my time with THEM. {Don't worry, I'll still snap pictures of any projects I do while I'm gone. I'm sure I'll have a back log of things to share come January!}

Secondly, I decided to study the New Testament {specifically the Gospels} this month. You all know how much I love reading. I generally read 4-5 books a month. I'm taking that time that I usually spend reading and spending it studying and learning more about the Saviors life. I printed off some New Testament Independent Study Lessons to help me.  It has made a HUGE difference in helping me to stay focused on the true meaning of Christmas. I've also been reading Christmas books and pamphlets to help keep that focus.

So I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. What do you do to create meaningful Christmas's? How to you bring the true spirit of Christmas into your home?  I'm sure as my focus changes they feel it, but I'd like to include my children more directly in this. How do you share the true meaning of Christmas with your kids?

I will still be checking my e-mail, so be sure to leave comments. I really want your opinions on this!


  1. I have never read that quote before and find it perfect! I know the feeling that you describe and respect your decision to focus on family and Christ during this time of year. Sounds like the right priorities to me! I look forward to your return but fully support your decision.

    Bonny @

  2. Mary Lou Dec. 15, 2013, I am so glad I found your web page with instructions for making these beautiful blankets for my 2 grandsons. I am so impressed with all you do for your own children and it gives the rest of us "not so good crafters" great ideas and detailed instructions on how to do them. Your a good mother living in difficult times but still keeping the faith and teaching your children the importance of walking in that faith as well as the true meaning of Christmas. Keep up the good work and "thank you". God Bless you and have a wonderful and Merry Christmas.
