Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Framed Pin Cushion

Today I'm going to show you how to make super easy and cute pin cushion.

A few weeks back, I shared my the frames I got at a yard sale and repainted. I hung them all except this one. I'd seen a pin cushion similar to this forever ago and wanted to try my hand at it.

To begin you will need a frame, a scrap of fabric, a little fiber fill, and a hot glue gun.

Since my frame didn't come with a back, I cut out a piece of stiff cardboard to fit the opening. Next, I placed the fabric down in the frame, then added a little fiberfill and finally the cardboard. I just fiddled around with it until it looked the way I wanted it to look. Then I placed a bead of hot glue down the side of the inside corner of the frame. {Where the picture and back would go} Then I quickly placed the fabric over the hot glue. Working my way around the frame, I repeated this until all four sides were glued down.

This was definitely a "figure it out as I go" project. I didn't have enough hands to take more pictures of the process, but I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. 

Then I hot glued the excess fabric onto the back of the cardboard.

 My next problem, was that I wanted it to sit at my sewing table. But without a back it would just tip over. Then I remembered these clear frames I had in my frame box. {I know you're thinking, who has a frame box?} So I just hot glued it to the back and it works like a charm.

You can kind of see it through the holes the front, but since it's clear it's not too noticeable.

A view of the side...

And here it is sitting on my sewing table. I haven't sewn anything since I've made the pin cushion, but I know I will be using it a LOT.

Oh yeah.... and see that can in the background? That's my little thread garbage can. I just spray painted a tomato juice can, then sanded it down a bit.  For years, I'd make a little pile of thread next to the sewing machine. Then when the fabric would get near it it would get spread everywhere. Now I can easily stick it in the can and my work area stays nice and tidy.


  1. What a cute idea, it looks so pretty.
    Julie from

  2. Love this ! Awesome idea and so chic :-)

  3. Super cute idea and so useful! Thanks for sharing the great tutorial.
    Hope you have a good weekend!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  4. What a great idea! It is so cute. And wow, what a difference a coat of white paint made to all those frames. I love how all of them look.
    Heidi @

  5. OK, I came to your sight to check out your pin cushion (a linky party). But what I LOVE is your idea of a little thread garbage can. What a simple and practical idea. I always have a little pile of threads that end up being scattered everywhere. ~Major Moma

  6. What a fun Paint project! I would love to you come link up to my paint party on Thursday

    Hope to see you soon

  7. what a cute idea! This would be such a fun gift for someone who enjoys sewing!

    I would be honored if you share this at my link party, Ginger Jamboree!

  8. I totally have a frame box too! Glad I’m not the only one. Love the idea, thank you for tutorial. What do you think about a magnetic frame pin holder?

    1. You're welcome! I like the idea of a magnetic pin holder!
