Thursday, October 17, 2019

Spider Web Embroidery with Free Pattern

These spooky embroidered spider webs are the perfect stitched art for your home this Halloween season. They work up quickly using basic stitches and are embellished with spider buttons.

 Enjoy this free pattern or create your own spider web designs.

spider web embroidery

I always like to work on some type of needlework during the General Conference meetings our church holds.

(General conference is a church meeting for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that is broadcast though out the world. Our leaders teach us for multiple sessions over two days. It's always enlightening and fulfilling.  We get to watch at home on the couch and I always like to get a project done while listening.)

This year, I had the idea to make some spider web embroidery patterns to work on during conference.

Spider Web Embroidery

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spider web embroidery with free pattern
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I think it's fun to make seasonal embroidery art. I generally go for quick and simple needlework, like this Lucky embroidery for St. Patrick's Day. Or this Love one for Valentines Day.

Sometimes I try to learn a new stitch like I did with this Mother's Day Apron and Fall embroidery, or add embellishments like this embroidered pillow.

This time I kept it nice and simple with a back stitch and added some fun spider buttons for embellishment.

spider buttons for embroidery

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Supplies Needed Halloween Embroidery

spider web embroidery and spider buttons

How to Make Spider Web Embroidery Art

Let's get started! This is an easy project that is fairly quick when you consider that it's hand embroidery. Click the image below for the free pattern.

free spider web embroidery pattern

  1. Print off the spider web pattern.
  2. Cut pieces of muslin about 7 or 11 inches square, depending on if you're making the small or larger web.
  3. Tape the pattern to a window (while it's light outside). Tape the fabric on top. Using a pencil, trace the pattern. (You could use a light box instead if you have one.)
  4. Place the fabric in the embroidery hoop and back stitch along the lines. For the EEK!, back stitch along the edges of the letters. Then fill in the center with criss crossed lines.
  5. Remove the fabric from the hoop. 
  6. Paint along the outer edge and the top of the embroidery hoop with the metallic black paint.
  7. Let paint dry completely.
  8. Press embroidery flat if needed. Insert into embroidery hoops.
  9. Trim excess, leaving about 1 inch of fabric.
  10. Using a hot glue gun, adhere the fabric to the inner side of the hoop.
  11. Attach the spider buttons to the needlework. For the small web, I opted to have the spider "hang" from the web. It is not attached to the fabric, but just to the thread it is hanging from.

The spider webs work up really quickly and it's the perfect project for beginners.

More Halloween Crafts

Don't forget to pin it!!
spiderweb embroideryspider web embroidery art with free pattern

Spider Web Embroidery

Yield: 1
Author: Rachel
Estimated cost: $10
prep time: 10 Mperform time: 2 hourtotal time: 2 H & 10 M
These spooky embroidered spider webs are the perfect stitched art for your home this Halloween season. They work up quickly using basic stitches and are embellished with spider buttons.


  • Printable Spider Web
  • 2 - 4" embroidery hoops
  • 6" embroidery hoop
  • Folk Art Metallic Sequin Black Paint
  • black embroidery thread and needle
  • bleached white muslin
  • Halloween spider buttons


  • hot glue gun and glue


  1. Print off the spider web pattern.
  2. Cut pieces of muslin about 7 or 11 inches square, depending on if you're making the small or larger web.
  3. Tape the pattern to a window (while it's light outside). Tape the fabric on top. Using a pencil, trace the pattern. (You could use a light box instead if you have one.)
  4. Place the fabric in the embroidery hoop and back stitch along the lines. For the EEK!, back stitch along the edges of the letters. Then fill in the center with criss crossed lines.
  5. Remove the fabric from the hoop.
  6. Paint along the outer edge and top of the embroidery hoop with the metallic black paint. 
  7. Let paint dry completely.
  8. Press embroidery flat if needed. Insert into embroidery hoops.
  9. Trim excess, leaving about 1 inch of fabric.
  10. Using a hot glue gun, adhere the fabric to the inner side of the hoop.
  11. Attach the spider buttons to the needlework. For the small web, I opted to have the spider "hang" from the web. It is not attached to the fabric, but just to the thread it is hanging from.
spider web embroidery, spider web embroidery pattern, spider web embroidery design, halloween embroidery, halloween spider web embroidery pattern
Created using Craft Card Maker


  1. These are so cute! Lovely Halloween decor!

  2. Very cute and creative I love this simple Halloween embroidery design.

  3. I have some old embroidery hoops that have been collecting dust, this will be a perfect use! Thanks so much for sharing your talent with us at the Creative Muster. Looking forward to seeing what you’ll be sharing next week. Pinning!

  4. This is precious! I love embroidery hoop art! This is precious! So cute and creative!
