Thursday, May 23, 2024

The BEST Missionary Gift Ideas (50+ Meaningful Gifts)

Find the perfect gift for your missionary with this complete gift guide.

With over 50 gift ideas, you're sure to find an ideal gift to give for Christmas, birthdays or just because.
 collage of gift ideas for missionaries

My son is serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He left for his missionary service in Nov 2023. 

So far it has been an amazing experience both for him and for us at home.

My focus has shifted more to missionary work than ever before. Part of that is finding ways to support and encourage my son, as well as all the missionaries I know. 

This happens in lots of ways, many personal and private ways. But one of the fun ways that I enjoy sharing on the blog has been to share the care packages I've sent him.

My favorite so far was to send a Star Wars care package. Find more care package ideas at the end of the post.


This article is focused on all the gift ideas I can think of that a missionary could use or want.

I arranged the gifts into several categories: (Click to be taken to that section.) As you send your missionary gifts, there are a few things to keep in mind. 

The first is that missionaries move A LOT! As often as every 6-12 weeks.

They don't want to haul a bunch of stuff around that they don't use or need. So be selective about what to send them.

Second, know the mission rules of your missionary. The things listed here are fine for my son's mission. 

But with over 400 missions around the world, I can't possibly know what each mission president expects for his mission. When in doubt, don't send it.

Lastly, I realize this list largely targets US missionaries. That's the only experience I've had. 

I realize mail delivery is not as reliable everywhere around the world. So if you have a foreign missionary, take what you can from the list.

And share in the comments your experiences with sending gifts. 

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collage of gift ideas for missionaries
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Latter-day Saint missionaries spend a significant amount of time each day studying and even more time teaching. 

Scripture marking supplies are a welcome gift that will be used. 

scripture marking supplies

Study Gifts

Note: Be careful with highlighters. They work great on thicker paper, but can bleed through the thin pages of a nice set of scriptures.

Stickers are also to be used with caution. There are so many fun stickers (And I use lots in my journal edition scriptures!)

However, they are permanent. I have regretted adding them to my nice set. Because there is not room in the margins, they cover and distract from the words.

The set I listed above is nice because they are small and they are intended to highlight by framing a verse (not covering it) or adding to the margins to point out a theme (principles, promises, God's love, etc.) 

collage of plan of salvation teaching tools

 Plan of Salvation Teaching Kits

These plan of salvation kits are available in a wide variety of styles.

A lasercut wooden set would be durable and last the whole mission. 

A felt version is a great idea that would be super fun.

You could also opt for a paper printed version. There are free versions as well as designs to buy. These could be laminated for durability.

They would be easy to mail in a simple envelope for those missionaries who are serving in places where mailing packages is less reliable.


Sometimes a missionary needs a reminder of home. Here are a few ideas to help them feel connected to family and friends.

  • Photo Blanket 
  • Written Letters
  • Digital picture frame loaded with pictures from family and friends
  • Picture Calendar with family and friends

photo blanket

My son loves and misses his dog so much. So I decided to send him a blanket printed with his pup's pictures for Christmas. He was so surprised and loved it!

I ordered this photo blanket from Snapfish. The quality of the printing was very good. I used a coupon code, so the price was excellent as well.

However, I ordered the arctic fleece and it ended up being VERY thin.

I decided to back it with additional fleece to make a thicker blanket. I used this self-binding blanket tutorial.

There are lots of places that will create a photo blanket for you - shop around to find the best deals and reviews of the final product.

Written letters

I can't think of anything more heartfelt than a handwritten note. Our missionaries will appreciate being able to go back and read it anytime they need to feel that love from home.

Email's are great, but a physical note of love and encouragement from time to time will bolster courage, confidence, and commitment in their work. 

Written letters add a personal touch to any gift. But they can also be sent alone. They are a great gift all by themselves.


Small items that missionaries can hang up or display in their rooms can remind them of their purpose.

Be sure to keep it small and manageable so they can easily move the items from place to place. 

several pictures of Jesus

Items to wear can also help them remember their purpose. It can also be a conversation starter for those who see them wearing a special item.


There's a reason why they call it missionary work. It is a LOT of work.

But missionaries know how to play hard too. P-Day (preparation day) is spent quickly getting groceries for the week.

And then spending as much time as possible hanging out with other missionaries and playing games and sports. (At least that's what my son does.)

This is probably the area where it's most important to know the rules of the specific mission. 

In my son's mission, the missionaries usually gather together at a church and play basketball, pickleball and other games.

They have also played football (touch, not tackle) on occasion. Sometimes they will gather at a park.

Below are some fun things to use for P-days.


Useful gifts are sometimes the best gifts. Has your missionary been out for awhile? Maybe they could use a new pair of pants (or skirt) or some workout clothes.

ties and socks - with text overlay Missionary gift ideas - beyond socks and ties

New ties are always the classic missionary gift. I've heard that some missionaries even trade ties, so they're always looking for more.


Send a few Christmas-themed gifts for the holiday season. It can be fun to send a few items to decorate with. A stocking filled with goodies is a must as well. 

Just don't be surprised if they get left behind. (It's May and the apartment my son moved into still has the Christmas lights hanging up from several transfers ago.) 

christmas gift ideas

Christmas Themed Gifts

  • Matching Christmas socks for missionary and companion
  • Matching Christmas ties (Grandma always has a prop for Christmas pictures - so she sent a tie to both my son and his companion)
  • Nativity Window Clings
  • Candy advent calendar
  • Small nativity set
  • Picture of the nativity scene
  • Mini Christmas Tree
  • Lego Christmas Tree
  • He Came for Me Manger Ornament
  • Strand of Christmas lights to string in their apartment
  • Gloves, hand warmers, beanie, warm socks, and/or scarf to keep warm

Stocking Stuffer Ideas

stocking for missionaries

Fill a stocking with your missionary's favorite things. Here are a few ideas:
  • Pez dispenser
  • chapstick
  • candy 
  • toothbrush
  • tic tacs / breathmints
  • hand sanitizer
  • mini nerf guns
  • gift cards for local fast food restaurants or visa gift cards to use anywhere
  • hot cocoa packets
  • card games
  • keychain
  • candy canes
  • life saver book


One of my go-to gifts for my missionary is food.

It's something that will be used, so he won't have to pack it around.

And he appreciates getting his favorite snacks or treats that he doesn't have the budget for on a regular basis.
food ideas to send missionaries

Here are a few favorites, but send what you're missionary likes. Be sure to avoid perishable items. 
  • pancake mix
  • syrup
  • microwave popcorn
  • granola bars
  • peanut butter
  • muffin mix
  • cookie mix
  • beef jerky
  • summer sausage, spray cheese and crackers
  • flavored drink pouches to add to water
You can also send them a cookbook.

Did you know I have a FREE printable cookbook specifically designed for missionaries? It's full of quick and EASY recipes perfect for missionaries on the go.

There's also a clickable version that's perfect for your missionary to keep on their google drive.


Don't forget to pin it!!
collage of missionary gift ideas
collage of best missionary gift ideas

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